Abstract-Vol-9-Issue-2-David Luigi Fuschi and Nadezhda Galiyeva

Proposal for a Set of Business Incubator Performance Metrics Based System and Model Analysis
David Luigi Fuschi* and Nadezhda Galiyeva**
Coventry University, Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing, Coventry*
Belorussian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics**


Abstract: Business incubators performance is usually examined in econometric terms rather than process functional operation, efficiency and effectiveness. The research being conducted focuses on the identification of a model describing BI operation, the points of need/provision of information as necessary to support decision-making for the management and monitoring of the system efficiency and effectiveness. One of the by-products of the conducted research has been the opportunity to suggest some metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) specifically designed to measure process operation effectiveness and efficiency (including the impact of residents’ failure before or after graduation). The defined metrics and KPI address mostly the internal operation and management of a Business Incubators with the aim to maximise efficiency and effectiveness of the process while catering for residents’ needs.

Keywords:Business Incubator, Operation Model, Operation Process, Metrics, Key Performance Indicators, Efficiency, Effectiveness, System Monitoring & Management.


page: 38-60        Size: 1282KB        Download PDF
DOI:   https://doi.org/10.51659/josi.22-167

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Management & Business Academy

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