Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation
P-ISSN 2056-9122 | E-ISSN 2056-9130
The primary purpose of the Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation (JOSI) is to publish scholarly research papers from various fields in business and management studies. As it is implied in the title of the journal, JOSI calls for original papers on any business or management topic or discipline which challenges traditional wisdom.
Moreover, JOSI is mainly focused on publishing research that systematically tests theories about organisational studies, culture, leadership, effectiveness, organisational behaviour and the social sciences. JOSI will consider for publication systematic reviews, conceptual papers, and research papers on all aspects of business and management.
The Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation (JOSI) is a scholarly and double-blind peer-reviewed journal. JOSI is committed to promoting the advancement of organisational studies and innovation around the world. JOSI is an international open-access journal published quarterly in the online version as well as hard copy. We strongly encourage manuscripts that offer a strong theoretical, conceptual and practical contribution in the area of business and management. JOSI is an open-access journal, which publishes organisational studies research from all disciplines. There is no Processing Charge associated with this journal.
Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation (JOSI) is now to be included in Thomson Reuter’s Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). ESCI provides an additional level of inclusion in the Web of Science and increased transparency regarding Thomson Reuters’ selection criteria. A journal in this new edition is searchable, discoverable, and citable; publishers get real-time insight into a journal’s citation performance while the content is considered for inclusion in other Web of Science collections. JOSI is also under review for inclusion in DOJA, ProQuest.