JOSI Author Guidlines

Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation

Authors Guidelines

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Template for authors (Download Word Document file)

Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation welcomes the submissions of scholarly articles, and research papers. Papers submitted to the JOSI must be original, not published previously or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
The JOSI is committed to the editorial principles laid down by the Committee on Public Ethics.

Manuscript Guidelines

Submission of your article is via the website and will consist of two documents: a title page (use the template) and the article itself. The article should be no longer than 6,000 words excluding the References section. The articles should be submitted without any indication of its authorship or page numbers. A separate document should be submitted which has the title of the article, names of the authors with affiliation and contact details and the biographical details of the authors.

It is essential that authors should have their work proofread by a third party and, if the author is not a native English speaker, that it is proofread by a native English speaker. JOSI expects grammar and spelling to be faultless and articles will be rejected if they are not even if the work fulfils the other requirements.

Authors must comply with the following guidelines before their work will be considered and articles not in compliance will be returned to the author. The text is single-spaced, uses a 12-point Times New Roman font, employs italics, rather than underlining. Do not use page numbering anywhere in the manuscript!. Alignment should be fully justified and all margins should be set to 1 inch.
We Follow Harvard Referencing System, please follow the instruction provided Download Harvard Ref in PDF


Structure of the Paper.

You should submit two separate documents: 1- Title page 2- Full paper

  • Title page (containing the title of the paper, author contact information, and a short auto-biography for each author)
  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Body of paper
  • Tables, figures, etc. placed where they belong
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments (if applicable)
  • References (Harvard Ref System)
  • Appendices (if applicable)


Title Page

The title page should contain the paper title and each author name, affiliation, mailing address, and email address with the contact author indicated. The title page should also contain a short auto-biography of no more than 100 words for each author.

Authors (12pt Time Roman, No “Dr.”, “PhD” or any other title)
University Name, Country (11pt Time Roman). Department and email address, please.

Title (14pt Time Roman, Uppercase, Bold, Align text to the left)
The title should be concise, descriptive, and contain the keywords or key phrases. Search engines assume that the title contains all of the important words that describe the topic of the paper. The use of acronyms should be avoided in the title and keywords unless widely recognized and understood.

Abstract (12pt, Times New Roman)

Abstracts should not exceed 200 words. The abstract should contain all the keywords and key phrases at least once and more than once if necessary. The abstract should be one paragraph only.


Should follow the Abstract. List five or six Keywords


Main Headings

Three levels of headings are allowed. The first level should be Bold 14 Time New Roman, second level Bold 12 Time New Roman, and third level Italics 12 Time New Roman.

The text is single-spaced, uses a 12-point Times New Roman font, employs italics, rather than underling. Do not use page numbering anywhere in the manuscript! Alignment should be fully justified and all margins should be set to 1 inch.

Tables & Figures

All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points rather than at the end or in a separate document. Each figure or table must be labelled with a descriptive caption and numbered sequentially, eg. Figure 1. Diagram showing the relationship between the constructs. Use the Microsoft Word table function to create tables, not spreadsheets.


Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.


References should be arranged alphabetically and follow Harvard Ref System. References should not be inserted as footnotes. Download Harvard Ref in PDF

Citations and References: 

  • The use of footnotes and endnotes are prohibited. Incorporate additional material within the main text.
  • Use an author-date citation in the text. Each reference cited in the text must be listed in the reference page and each entry in the reference page must be cited in the text. If the exact words of the cited work are quoted, a page number must be included in the citation eg. Yesslen (2009, p.19) stated that the world is upside down.
  • When citing more than 2 authors only the name of the first author should appear followed by “et al.” All author’s names should appear in References.
  • When using a direct quotation from an author in your text, a page number is used. eg. Streeter stated that “the only possible direction is vertical and… this manner” (2003, p.276).
  • The references section lists all the cited authors in the article alphabetically by the author’s surname. They are not numbered or indented. The references section should only contain the citations in the article.


REMEMBER – to submit your article online, you will need to register as an Author by registering at Publication in JOSI is subjected to plagiarism check.

Publication Information

 ♦ Publisher

Management & Business Academy

Print ISSN: 2056-9122 

Online ISSN: 2056-9130
