Ethics Statement

Ethics Statement
Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation


Publication Integrity & Ethics Guidelines

Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation is owned and managed by Management & Business Academy and it is the official journal of MBAcademy. Editor in chief of the JOSI has been elected and approved by editorial board for period of 10 years which can be renewed for another term of 10 years. Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation plays an important role in the Management & Business Academy vision to be a leading journal in the field as well as fulfilling the educational mission of the Management & Business Academy.


General PIE Guidelines
Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation committed to ethical principles and every steps taken in the publishing process involves ethical principles. As a result, clear rules and regulations have been communicated with editors and reviewers in terms of ethical expectations associated with Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation. Authors who wish to submit a manuscript to the journal must contribute significantly to the scientific body of knowledge, as well as follow very carefully the ethical principles as they are accountable for their work. They must carefully review and approve the final version of the manuscript before passing to typesetting team for publication.

Management & Business Academy as the publisher of the Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation has provided a clear guideline on copyright and licensing for both author and editor on the website (for more information click here) and expected author and editors read this guideline very carefully.


Authors Responsibilities

Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation committed to follow strict procedures to maintain the highest level of ethical principles followed in Business and Management disinclines. Journal of organisational Studies and Innovation expect that not only the corresponding author but all authors involve in the manuscript are responsible and involve in all commutation associated to their manuscript submitted to the journal. All authors must acknowledge and confirm the originality of the data and manuscript as well as agree the copyright contract provided by Management & Business Academy. Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation is following the Creative Commons Attibution-NonCommercial 4.0 international License and author/s must agree on the terms under this license in order to get their manuscript published in Journal of organisational and Innovation. Author/s must confirm that the manuscript is original and has not published previously or under consideration by any other journal.

It is authors responsibilities to seek permission and approval from other journal if they use any information including data or materials that has been published in any other journal. Failure to do so may result in withdrawing the paper and being banned for future submission to Journal of Organisational and Innovation. Moreover, author/s are required to acknowledge if they have received any fund or financial aids or assistance from any other contributor who are not part of the list of authors.

Management & Business Academy takes the reviewing process very seriously and confidential which would not be shared with any third party. Also, we strongly recommend that author/s to keep all information related to their manuscript very safe till the final manuscript approved for publication.

The editor in chief alongside with associated editors and editorial board exist to maintain and overlook the integrity and quality of not only each individual manuscript but also the process involve in reviewing process. Both associate editors and editorial board members work closely with our reviewers to make sure author/s are given full and completed review feedbacks on a timely basis to comply with our quality assurance.


Article Processing Charges

The Management & Business Academy directors and boards have a strong view on that knowledge must available to everyone freely and as a result there is No fee associated with publication in Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation.

Publication Information

 ♦ Publisher

Management & Business Academy

Print ISSN: 2056-9122 

Online ISSN: 2056-9130
