Abstract-Vol-8-Issue-4 Shama Razi, Tania Hasan & Zaeem Saqif

Impact of national and international celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase intentions
Shama Razi * , Tania Hasan* & Zaeem Saqif **
Lahore School of Economics
Systems Limited

Received: November 19, 2020; Revised: August 8, 2021; Accepted: November 27, 2021



Abstract: Celebrity endorsement has been one of the most prevalent marketing techniques employed by marketers to promote their brands. This paper aims to study the impact of national and international celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase intention towards high and low involvement products. An experimental research design has been implied in this research study. To test the influence of celebrity endorsement on consumer purchase intention, 150 university faculty members and students divided into six treatments were conducted. The results of this experiment show that buyers, when it comes to purchasing a low involvement product, can rely on ads which are endorsed by international celebrities. On the other hand, when there is a question of purchasing a high involvement product they trust market offerings that are being endorsed by national celebrities.

Keywords: elebrity Endorsement, Consumer Purchase Intention, Experimental Research Design, Product Involvement.

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 ♦ Publisher

Management & Business Academy

Print ISSN: 2056-9122 

Online ISSN: 2056-9130
