Abstract-Vol-4-Issue-1 Luai Jraisat

Factors of Relationship Marketing In Creating Leadership
Luai Jraisat
Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Finance, American University
of Madaba, Jordan



Abstract:The aim of this paper is to identify what factors are of the greatest importance to relationship marketing in creating leadership and to identify what factors are of the greatest importance in each stage of relationship marketing. This research employs an analysis for the literature review to identify factors of relationship marketing in creating leadership. Then a series of 20 expert interviews from five case studies were conducted to illustrate the importance of these factors at each stage of business relationships. The findings identify the high-order factors of business relationship and demonstrate the role of relationships in leadership creation, acting as the main strategy to improve business. This research has important implications for different level managers at companies. By understanding the factors that are most important at each stage, managers can focus their efforts on these dimensions in order to foster successful buyer–seller relationships in creating leaders. This is one of few studies that investigate factors of buyer-seller relationships at each stage of relationship marketing. To our knowledge, this is one of few paper that attempts to providing empirical evidence of the role of relationship marketing in creation business leaders.

Keywords: Relationship marketing, leadership, qualitative context.





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Publication Information

 ♦ Publisher

Management & Business Academy

Print ISSN: 2056-9122 

Online ISSN: 2056-9130
