Impact of Transformational Advertisement on Customer Attitude, Perception and Purchase Intention
Ambreen Kashif and Ramsha Rashid
Lahore School of Economics, Lahore, Pakistan
Lahore School of Economics
Abstract: The main purpose of this study is to find the impact of transformational advertisement of a telecommunication brand “Ufone”, on customer’ attitude, perception of the customer towards the brand, and his/her purchase intention. Transformational advertisement is being used by the marketers for quite a long time, but nowadays it is more emphasized than the informational advertisement. This paper aims to test the efficacy of this tool. Data has been collected from 90 undergraduate students in questionnaire form. Factor analysis was performed to distinguish the factors, and to determine the relationship between the customer’s attitude towards the advertisement, customer purchase intention, perception of the brand, and the impact of transformational advertisement on the brand. The Structural equation modelling SEM is used to find the path coefficients as all the independent variables are latent variables. Furthermore, ANOVA was run to verify the model identified by factor analysis. Significant results were found only with respect to the impact of transformational advertisement on perception of the brands. Further research can be done by using different samples with varied demographical features. Such future research would help enhance the knowledge about transformational advertisement in marketing, promotional activities and on the customer’s perception, attitude and buying decision.
Keywords: Transformational Advertising, customer attitude, customer purchase intention, customer perception of the brand.