Link between the Conduct as Strategies and Training of Business
Carlos Mario Herrera Blanca José G. Vargas-Hernández Luis Carlos Rivera Rosas
Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas, Universidad de Guadalajara
Abstract: Industrial systems have received attention in recent years to explain the behaviour of companies from a broad perspective, integrating business strategy with structure. Collaborative network is a model that explains the structure of industrial systems in order to analyse interactions through methods that combine economic with social elements. The methodology applied in this paper follows literature review of discussions on how partnership strategies of firms derived from external forces to the organization, and implemented by behaviours, shapes the structure, identity and governance of local business networks around a common goal, by highlights the role of agents in the business process evolution of the formalization of networks.
Keywords: Competitiveness, Collaboration, Strategy, Collaborative Enterprise networks