Abstract-Vol-2-Issue-3 Zuzana Papulova and Jozef Papula

Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation

Conscious Thinking as an Approach to Strategic Analysis
Zuzana Papulova*, Jozef Papula*
Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia*

Abstract: This article deals with the area of strategic management and strategic analysis. The main focus of our study is to find the links between the theory of human thinking and improvement of thinking and theory of strategic analysis. We try to examine how approach to thinking can support better performance and outcome of strategic analysis. In strategic management as well as in strategic analysis, the key elements are future orientation and preparation for the future. However, to perform a strategic analysis is not an easy subject and in the current dynamic environment it is very difficult to predict and forecast future developments. As a research team at our faculty, we have been studying development of strategic analysis and its possibilities for improvement. Our main aim is not only to develop new analytical methods and techniques, but more importantly, to search for the possibilities and the capabilities of human thinking involvement in strategic analysis. The main purpose of this article is to understand and examine the ways of thinking and approaches to thinking in relation to strategic analysis. In the research we examined the behaviour and the thinking of managers while they perform strategic analysis and make strategic decisions. We used interviews and questionnaires within a qualitative approach to understand and identify approaches to thinking of managers and find the approach to thinking that can ensure success in current praxis. The results of research point out that conscious thinking and creative thinking are necessary approaches to strategic analysis in current praxis. The outcome of research also shows the need of current managers and also the space for improvement of strategic management theory in strategic analysis.

Keywords: Strategic Analysis, Conscious Thinking, Creativity, Intuition.









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Publication Information

 ♦ Publisher

Management & Business Academy

Print ISSN: 2056-9122 

Online ISSN: 2056-9130
