Abstract-Vol-10-Issue-4 Parihar Suresh Dahake, Saket Narendra Bansod and Prachita Ashok Patil

Solid Waste Management: A Sustainable Waste Management for Human Health and Environment

Parihar Suresh Dahake *, Saket Narendra Bansod** and Prachita Ashok Patil**
Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Dept of Management, Nagpur *
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies & Research, Dept of Management, Nagpur **
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management Studies & Research, Dept of Management, Nagpur ***


Abstract: The significant increase in robust waste management can be attributed to economic expansion, population growth, and shifts in waste disposal practices. This phenomenon can be attributed to the rapid urbanisation and increasing affluence of individuals, which directly impacts societal dynamics and national progress. Solid Waste is considered as an inevitable derivative of human activities. Economic improvement, urbanization, and improved residing standards in cities beautify the quantity and complexity of stable waste. The rapid increase of populace coupled with urbanization has positioned brilliant strain on Nagpur Municipal Corporation to fulfil the growing demands of its citizens The main objectives of sustainable waste management prioritize safeguarding both human health and the environment while conserving valuable resources. This study aims to engage the community actively in efficient solid waste management practices, fostering cooperation and participation. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure environmental sustainability through a thorough investigation and analysis of waste management practices within the city. This involves focusing on appropriate technologies tailored for waste processing. Thus researcher intends to know how garbage, can be used as a valuable resource the new methods of disposal will lead to a sustainable environment for future generations by this research.

Keywords: Solid Waste Management, Sustainability, Waste Management, Human Health Environment, Sustainable development, Central India.


page: 27-88      Size: 1400KB        Download PDF
DOI:       https://doi.org/10.51659/josi.22.183

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