Abstract-Vol-10-Issue-1 Shoib Hassan, Muhammad Aksar, Muhammad Zahoor, Shahzad Hussain and Suleman Khan

An Empirical Investigation on Ownership Structure and Earnings management: Evidence from PSX and FTSE-350 Listed Firms

Shoib Hassan*, Muhammad Aksar**, Muhammad Zahoor*, Shahzad Hussain*** and Suleman Khan*
National University of Modern Languages Rawalpindi, Pakistan*
Capital University of Science and Technology Islamabad, Pakistan**
Women University Rawalpindi***


Abstract: The current research aims to highlight the impact of ownership structure on real earnings management by comparing the firms listed on Pakistan Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange. The secondary data of 167 Pakistani and 233 UK listed firms is analysed from 2011-2019. The results obtained for both countries shows that ownership structure influences the real earnings management. The results also suggest that real earnings management practices are significantly different in big and small size firms. Further, the impact of ownership structure on real earnings management among the big and small sized firms is different. The results of the study are helpful to the policymakers in reducing the real earnings management. The limitations and future aspects are also elucidated comprehensively.

Keywords:Concentrated ownership, Institutional ownership, Managerial ownership, Real Earning Management


page: 1-14      Size: 892KB        Download PDF
DOI:      https://doi.org/10.51659/josi.22.165

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Management & Business Academy

Print ISSN: 2056-9122 

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