Abstract-Vol-9-Issue-4 Ian B. Arcega

Enabling Faculty Through Engagement: Insights to Human Resource Policy Directions

Ian B. Arcega*
College of Management, Capiz State University*


Abstract: The goal of fostering engagement is to make institutions more competitive. This is done through education, motivation of leaders, and commitment in social interactions. This is a descriptive research, which ascertained the level of engagement and work status of the faculty of Capiz State University that leads to changes in organizational performance. The researcher made a questionnaire as the tool in data collection, which underwent reliability testing and validation from the Human Resource Practitioners of various public agencies. The 131 regular faculty members who have worked at Capiz State University-Main Campus for one year or longer make up the respondents. The findings show that the faculty have high levels of autonomy, competence, and relatedness; they are dedicated to the work and value positive working affairs with one another; and they have positive work relationships with the institution. The faculty believed that family culture is present; they tend to engage if they felt given importance. Thus, if the faculty's needs are supported and prioritized by the institution in providing quality work-related needs, they will facilitate faculty engagement towards achieving the institution's vision and goals.

Keywords:: Faculty Engagement, Work-Related Factors, Human Resource Policy, Capiz State University


page: 46-58      Size: 618KB        Download PDF
DOI:     https://doi.org/10.51659/josi.22.160

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Management & Business Academy

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