What is Problem in Sharing Economy Service Ecosystem? Reviewing the Role of Trust in Loyalty
Asieh Nazemi*, Manijeh Haghighinasab**, Banafsheh Dastourian***, and Ali Davari****, Amirhossein Maleki*****
Department of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.*
Department of Management, Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.**
Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.***
Department of New Business, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. ****
Department of Management and Marketing, School of Business, Northeastern Illinois University.****
Abstract: Understanding customers' behavioral components in sharing economy platforms is vital to policy-makers and marketers. Concerning behavioral components such as commitment, attitude, and trust, which lead to customer loyalty in sharing economy platforms, has less addressed. This paper aims to investigate/examine customers' behavioral components, increasing customer loyalty in sharing economy context through the service ecosystem. Data were collected from 405 respondents who have used a sharing economy platform through a semi-structured questionnaire and were analyzed using structural equation modeling.
Behavioral components such as customers' attitudes, trust, and commitment lead to customer loyalty in a sharing economy platform. Moreover, the results revealed the positive moderating effect of trust perception and attitude towards using the platform on customers' loyalty. This paper contributes to growing research on modeling customer loyalty in a sharing economy context through a service ecosystem perspective and investigating each level, which has been seen as limited in previous research.
Keywords: Attitude; Commitment; Loyalty; Service ecosystem; Sharing economy; Trust.