Abstract-Vol-4-Issue-3 Edgaras Afarjanc

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The Effect of Agile Process and Scrum Practices on the Rework and Defect Level of E-services
Edgaras Afarjanc *
Vilnius University *


Abstract: There is a continuous discussion in the scientific literature if the Agile process and Scrum practices effect better project results, or the results of the e-service improvement project rely mainly on the competence of a project team. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Agile process, Scrum practices and team competence on the rework and defect level (DL) after a release of an e-service. The survey was conducted in 101 different organizations. The statistical analysis of the linear regression, two-way interaction and three-way interaction was performed in order to answer the question under analysis. The statistical analysis of the collected data revealed that the increasing intensity of the application of the Agile process results in a statistically significant decrease of DL. The examination of the statistical models has shown that the team competence does not have a direct effect on DL, but it acts as a moderator of the Agile process. In line with the acceleration of the team competence, the Agile process triggers a stronger decrease in DL. The analysis of the statistical models in terms of the intensity of the application of Scrum practices did not show any statistically significant differences in DL.

Keywords: Agile, Scrum, e-service, team competence, improvement.


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