Abstract-Vol-2-Issue-2 S.Edmund Christopher

Problems and Challenges Of Retailers - A Macro Analysis To Re-Launch The Dimensional Change
S.Edmund Christopher

Abstract: Retail is the sale of goods and services from individuals or businesses to the end user. Retailers are a part of an integrated system is called as supply chain. A retailer purchases products or goods in large quantities from manufacturers directly or through a wholesaler, and then sells a smaller quantity to the consumer for a profit. This paper presents and discusses the problems and challenges faced by the retailers in worldwide. Retail market has become one of the major emerging trends in the entire economic cycle. The retail market is only for the first time which provides the consumer basic platform to encounter with goods and a shopkeeper. The retail market consists of a fixed location like departmental and boutique store etc. In these location customer meets the shop keeper and purchase goods in return of fixed value. Profit margin maintaining is certain; the retailors sell goods to their customers. Retail marketing strategy has become one of the basic elements of marketing strategy which includes a lot of planning and proper execution. This study focus on the basic nature of retail and a marketer needs to focus primarily on the needs and desires of the customers. The international retail industry is ever, growing and changing sectors that cater to the dynamic needs to the consumers by providing merchandise at outlets from here they can be purchased by the latter. In today’s dynamic and shaky business world, upgrading the retail industry is constantly itself. Retailers need to focus on finding the way to sustain and grow their business. This study attempts to know the different views of retail industry through world and the growth of retail industry.

Keywords: Retailer, International Business, Worldwide Challenges, Problems.







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