Abstract-Vol-2-Issue-4 Lisandy Arinta Suryanaa, Lidia Mayangsariab, Santi Novaniab

Value Co-creation Canvas for Hijab Fashion Industry in Indonesia Lisandy Arinta Suryanaa, Lidia Mayangsariab, Santi Novaniab

Value Co-creation Canvas for Hijab Fashion Industry in Indonesia

Lisandy Arinta Suryana, Lidia Mayangsari, and Santi Novani

Magister of Science in Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Sub Interest-Group of Decision Making and Strategic Negotiation, School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung


Abstract: Indonesia is targetted to be the qibla of moeslem fashion of the world in 2020. Consequently, the sustainability of this industry become important. Therefore, all of the stakeholders of the hijab fashion ecosystem need to collaborate in order to realize those goals. It is also important to balance the tangible and intangible aspects of the industry to achieve sustainability. Moreover, business process of hijab fashion industry should be developed to describe the important stakeholders and their relationship in the industry. Related to this phenomenon, this study aims to support the traditional business model canvas by providing service-dominant logic insight into business process as the improvement. Data is collected by using qualitative approach such as in-depth interview, observation etc. This business model shows the relationship between resource integration, value co-creation, value proposition of the company, and also the financial aspect of the business.

Keywords: Value co-creation canvas, Business model canvas, Hijab Fashion Industry, Service-dominant logic

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