Dr. Alexandra-Paraskevi Chytiri

Editorial Board

Alexandra-Paraskevi Chytiri has studied Business Administration (Bachelor's Degree) at the University of Piraeus. She continued with a Master (MSc) in General Management at University of Kent, UK. Her Ph.D Thesis (Athens University of Economics and Business) addresses the issue of causality in the relationship of HRM practices and organizational performance. It also examines this relationship as well as HRM practices in a longitudinal spectrum, giving particular emphasis to turbulent times (economic crisis). Part of her Ph. D has also been completed at University of Kent, UK (doctoral courses).

During her undergraduate and postgraduate studies, she has been receiving scholarships from the Greek State Foundation for Scholarships (IKY), Leventis foundation, Karelia foundation and Athens University of Economics and Business, for her exceptional academic performance, her master and doctoral studies.
Her research portfolio includes publications and presentations in many international conferences and academic magazines.

Her research interests include human resources management (HRM), Organizational Performance, HRM-organisational performance link, HRM practices, Recruitment and Selection, HRM in turbulent times, International HRM, Greek HRM, HRM practices transfer, General Management, Tourism and Hotel Industry, HRM in Hotel Industry, Relationship Marketing.

She also has an extensive experience as a reviewer in conferences, such as BAM and EURAM. Alexandra-Paraskevi Chytiri has also participated in a number of EU funded research projects. She had also been working as a teacher in Greece and UK on Business Administration modules.



Publication Information

 ♦ Publisher

Management & Business Academy

Print ISSN: 2056-9122 

Online ISSN: 2056-9130
