Behrouz Behzadan Editorial Board Behrouz Behzadan received his MA in Entrepreneurial Management with Merit from European Business School – London in 2008. He, then, joined University College London (UCL) as a visiting researcher for 12 months. Mr Behzadan is currently undertaking his doctoral research on family business succession at Brunel University in London, UK. His doctoral thesis focuses on process of intergenerational succession among Iranian manufacturing family businesses, and identifying the impact of influential factors on process of succession for such family firms. The main academic interests of Mr Behzadan are as follow: entrepreneurship, family businesses, innovation, spin-offs, corporate venturing, and technology transfer & commercialisation. Furthermore, he has robust background on qualitative and qualitative approaches; although, his current researches are based on qualitative approach. At the present, Mr Behzadan is interested in looking at the gender and cultural differences in family businesses across the world, particularly in the Middle East and developing countries. Prev Next