Abstract-Vol-11-Issue-1 Ahmet Çubukcu, Yekta Özcan Özözer, Ayşe Hande Erol Bingüler

Innovation Strategies and the Business Perspective: A Synthesis of Existing Research and a Composed and Comprehensive Framework

Ahmet Çubukcu*, Yekta Özcan Özözer**, Ayşe Hande Erol Bingüler***

Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey*
Sürekli Gelişim Consulting and Training, Turkey**
Marmara University, Turkey ***


Abstract: Innovation has a direct impact on competitive business environments. Nowadays, it is an ordinary need for organizations to implement and pursue innovative business strategies. For this purpose, many innovation-oriented strategies have been developed. The analysis and observations we made within the framework of our literature analysis show that a more unified, comprehensive, and holistic innovation strategy approach is needed. The innovation strategies of organizations should become a dynamic structure due to the unsteady conditions of the market and competitive environment and the shortening of product life cycles. Therefore, we proposed a new synthesized innovation strategy framework focused on the needs of different businesses.

Keywords: Agile strategy, Blue ocean strategy, Business model, Innovation strategy, Strategy


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DOI:         https://doi.org/10.51659/josi.23.192