Abstract-Vol-3-Issue-1 Luai Jraisat and Raef Alsaied

Sports Business in India: Development of sports as business in country and its ecosystem Yash Swaminarayan

Internet Banking and Organizational Change: From a Customer Perspective

Luai Jraisat and Raef Alsaied
Department of Marketing, Faculty of Business and Finance, American University of Madaba (AUM), Jordan


Abstract: The aim of this research is to examine the factors affecting the acceptance and adoption of Internet banking, from end-customer perspectives. A structured and selfadministered survey is employed targeting customers who are using Internet banking in Jordan. A number of 200 questionnaires are delivered in three major cities. A simple regression analysis and a t-test are used, and then based on an illustrative empirical case; a simple variance-based reflective structural equation model is tested. The results indicate that each construct of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness constructs have a positive influence, while each construct of Perceived Risk Theory (PRT), security and privacy have a negative influence on acceptance and adoption of Internet banking leading to organizational change. The framework that shows the results of variance-based reflective PLS SEM is presented by using the structural relationship between independent and dependent factors for Internet banking service. This research has important implications for different level managers at banks. Organizational change between banks and their customers at online service level leads managers to focus their efforts on this change in order to foster successful acceptance and adoption of Internet banking. This research provides one of few attempts that investigate Internet banking service in developing countries. The results provide support of the integrated TAM and PRT perspectives and confirm its robustness in predicting customers' behaviour of adoption and acceptance of Internet banking.

Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Perceived Risk Theory (PRT), Internet: Banking, Developing Country.




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