Abstract-Vol-1-Issue-1 Mohammad Alawamleh , Loiy Bani Ismail , Areej Shashaa

Organisational Studies and Innovation Review
The Era of Social Media in the Middle East
Mohammad Alawamleh , Loiy Bani Ismail , Areej Shashaa
American University of Madaba*


Abstract:This paper discusses how people started generating profits through social media, showing some examples worldwide and in the Middle East and its effect on marketing. This paper aims to study the impact of social media on marketing from traditional marketing techniques to marketing on social media and its effect through people’s daily information sharing and knowledge spread, moreover how individuals started gaining profits by being influencers and being followed by large number of followers without border limitations such as geographical location, language and age differences.

This paper also conducts some studies about the cultural/political changes that are taking place through social media and how individuals started gaining money through these tools. Research hypothesis is that the world news , information and marketing spread to people is shifting towards social media and the influencers are effecting people’s perceptions ,all of this is causing a tremendous change in people’s minds , information sharing and communication flow moreover how people started generating money through social media tools..

Keywords: social media, influencer, follower, marketing.





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